Hypertext Review

Dynamic Hypertext

Halasz had identified dynamic or virtual structures, computation, and extensibility/tailorability as some of the issues to be addressed by next generation hypertext systems.[Halasz, 1988] Most current generation hypertext systems implement a static and explicit model of hypertext - nodes, links, and link markers must be declared explicitly and be fully enumerated during creation time as opposed to being declared dynamically and generated upon demand.[Bieber, 1993]

Information systems such as Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Expert Systems require a dynamic implementation of hypertext, one that relies primarily on virtual structures and computation in order to generate a hypertext network in real time.[Bieber, 1991] Bieber developed a DSS shell that supported multiple DSS applications through a hypertext user interface. The user interface containing the hypertext engine provided DSS applications with hypertext functionality such as navigation, virtual structures, computation, and tailored presentation. Since many of the components making up the DSS are generated in real time as a result of user interaction, it was difficult to pre-define all nodes, links, and link markers at creation time.

  • Bridge Laws: Automatic embedding of links & link markers
  • Stotts & Furuta: Virtual structures as dynamic adaptation of hypertext structure
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