Hypertext Review


  1. Apple. Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1987.

  2. Baird, Patricia and Percival, Mark. Glasgow Online: Database Development using Apple's HyperCard, Chapter 5, Hypertext: Theory Into Practice, Edited by McAleese, Ray., Ablex Publishing Corporation, New Jersey, 1989.

  3. Beard, David & Walker, John. Navigational Techniques to Improve the Display of Large Two-Dimensional Spaces, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Technical Report TR87-031, November 1987.

  4. Catlin, Karen S., Garrett, Nancy L., and Launhardt, Julie A. Hypermedia Templates: An Author's Tool. Proceedings of Hypertext'91, ACM Press, 1991.

  5. Card, S.K., Moran, T.P., and Newell, A. The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1983.

  6. Carroll, John M., and Thomas, John C. Metaphor and the Cognitive Representation of Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, March - April 1982.

  7. Collier, George H. Thoth-II : Hypertext with Explicit Semantics, Proceedings of Hypertext '87 Conference, November 1987.

  8. Conklin, Jeff. Hypertext : An Introduction and Survey, IEEE Computer, September 1987.

  9. Edwards, Deborah M. and Hardman, Lynda. "Lost In Hyperspace": Cognitive Mapping and Navigation in a Hypertext Environment, Chapter 7, Hypertext: Theory Into Practice, Edited by McAleese, Ray., Ablex Publishing Corporation, New Jersey, 1989.

  10. Grant, Simon and Mayes, Terry. Cognitive Task Analysis ?, Chapter 6, Human-Computer Interaction and Complex Systems, Edited by Weir, George R.S., and Alty, James L., Academic Press, California, 1991.

  11. Halasz, Frank. Reflections on NoteCards : Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems, Communications of the ACM, July 1988.

  12. Hammond, Nick and Allinson, Lesley. The Travel Metaphor as Design Principle and Training Aid for Navigating Around Complex Systems, People and Computers III, 1987.

  13. Koved, Larry & Shneiderman, Ben. Embedded Menus : Selecting Items in Context, Communications of the ACM, April 1986.

  14. McAleese, Ray. Overview and Questions For Readers [on Hypertext], Chapter 1, Hypertext: Theory Into Practice, Edited by McAleese, Ray., Ablex Publishing Corporation, New Jersey, 1989.

  15. Molich, Rolf, and Nielsen, Jakob. Improving a Human-Computer Dialogue, Communications of the ACM, March 1990.

  16. Nielsen, Jakob. Hypertext/Hypermedia, Academic Press, 1990.

  17. Nielsen, Jakob. The Art of Navigating through Hypertext, Communications of the ACM, March 1990.

  18. Nielsen, Jakob. Traditional Dialogue Design Applied to Modern User Interfaces, CACM, October 1990.

  19. Open Software Foundation. OSF/Motif Style Guide, Prentice Hall, 1991.

  20. Rao, Usha & Turoff, Murray. Hypertext Functionality: A Theoretical Framework, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1990.

  21. Shneiderman, Ben. Designing the User Interface, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1987.

  22. Smith, John B., Weiss, Stephen F., and Ferguson, Gordon J. A Hypertext Writing Environment and Its Cognitive Basis, Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM Press, 1987.

  23. Thuring, Manfred, Haake, Jorg M., and Hannemann, Jorg. What's Eliza Doing in the Chinese room ? Incoherent Hyperdocuments and How to Avoid Them, Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM Press, 1991.

  24. Trigg, Randall. Guided Tours and Tabletops : Tools for Communicating in a Hypertext Environment, ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, October 1988.

  25. Trigg, Randall & Weiser, M. TEXTNET: A Network Based Approach to Text Handling, ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, January 1986.

  26. Turoff, Murray, Rao, Usha, and Hiltz, Starr Roxanne. Collaborative Hypertext in Computer Mediated Communications, Proceedings of the Twenty Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1991.

  27. Turoff, Murray. How to do it, Lecture Notes for Design of Interactive Systems (unpublished), NJIT, 1991.

  28. Utting, Kenneth & Yankelovich, Nicole. Context and Orientation in Hypermedia Networks, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, January 1989.

  29. Wright, Patricia. Cognitive Overheads and Prostheses: Some Issues in Evaluating Hypertexts, Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM Press, 1991.

  30. Zellweger, Polle T. Scripted Documents : A Hypermedia Path Mechanism, Proceedings of Hypertext '89 Conference, November 1989.
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